
The Logic Floor (Part One)

The moment you wake up, you ask yourself if you are dreaming or not. Once you get your answer, you think of the people who mean the most to you. You wonder how human relationships work. You try to open up logic floors where you throw questions to yourself and that self-decides to revert back with answers. You take those answers and perform your actions accordingly. The same happened to me. How do you trust those answers that you gave to yourself? You cannot trust because you don't know what will be the final outcome of your actions. Well, I have some answers. What would it be like if I go and visit North India? Steve Jobs paid multiple trips to India and went back home as a Buddhist and found the Apple Inc.  Oh yes, I have another answer too! How about work at Pathao till February 2019? By that time, I will be done completing my electric motorcycle project based on my 1986 Honda H100S. People have been asking me when will I get married. I said "this year or

The master and apprentice relationship

The night is young and thoughts have been creeping in slowly into the lazy mind. The mind itself is unaware of the consequences that might change the way the night will pass. Rejection is important and is one of the most important traits of the nature, god or the unfathomable entity that leads the human consciousness to sanity. Work is important to sustain the ever decaying world and money is the most sharp tool that yields in keeping the decay into control. Have you ever questioned what work demands and what you can actually prove when the work is satisfied to some extent? You did for sometime but you decided to let go. Imagine an artist looking up to his master for a positive review but lands up being humiliated in-front of his co-workers. The master is not wrong. The creative mind cannot be questioned and thus, the artist finds himself in depression by looking into his mistakes. Still, the work he produced is very close to his soul and the judgement is only possible with lik

Surviving the Creative Agency, Part-1

The work offer began without any prior discussion or whatsoever. I called up Kashfia, my dear from IUB with whom I have taken multiple courses and held group presentations. She told me that yes, she has an opening at Positive Hub. I asked her that when should I start. She replied "Come, tomorrow!" The day was March 09, 2017 and soon took my bike to Kemal Ataturk Avenue. Before leaving home, I checked the office address where it was told that Positive Hub is located at Awwal Tower. I parked my bike on the footpath adjacent to the huge tower and took the elevator all the way to the 7th floor. The office gates were locked. I asked the guards if they knew anything related to Positive Hub. They couldnt reply. I momentarily called Kashfia and she corrected the address telling that I need to move forward to a tower called PBL Tower at Gulshan Ciricle-2. It was a disappointment. The facade to the PBL tower looked old. The building had an age to it with a probable number of 20

Illustration & Some Design Works


Design Work of some Notable Brands


Insights into the IUB 19th Convocation

Photo taken by Ahnaf Ahsan The 19th convocation at Independent University will take place at the end of January 2018. Since I gained access to the data where all the graduates and their majors were found, I decided to put forth an interesting analysis that highlights the study patterns of over 200+ graduates who will be rejoicing their success wearing black and golden gowns throwing mortar boards up in the air at the IUB campus, Bashundhara. The amount of money and time invested behind these prestigious degrees truly reflect a causal relationship between their academic interest and the job industry. If we look into the Graduate School, we will find that MBA in Finance is the leading subject with the highest number of graduates. Surprisingly, the Undergraduate School has the highest number of BBA graduates in Marketing, making Marketing the hottest subject of this decade. Engineering school is still plagued by the EEE engineer stereotype and hence, EEE graduates are

Floating Tears

Looking down, she asked me, “Why don’t you just hold my hand?” “Do I have to?” “Yes, you have to!” “But I think it’s not that necessary!” But she took her left hand and gave it to me.The hand wore the traces of the arteries, veins and nerves which were the cause behind such aesthetic beauty. I felt like it was taking me ages to get her soft and subtle hand. “Wow! You never held a girl’s hand before?” She asked and I could see that tiny humor on the niche of her lips! “No”, I said with little hesitation. “Your hands are shaky!” She murmured. “Well, are you ready to jump?” Questioning this, I looked at her and was shocked! Tears were coming down from her eyes and each tear drop was rich with the catastrophes of her life. I asked myself, “Is this beauty?” Two persons holding their hands and they are in doubt whether they are ready to jump or not. Her hair grew inch by inch as the wind was blowing each and every second. Her black eyes contained all the fact